
10 results found for “first steps”

Career Profiles


Discover different jewellery career paths and what specialist jobs are like first hand from those working in the jewellery industry.

Apply to be listed in the Supplier Directory


Training Courses for the Jewellery and Allied Industries


Discover specialist high-quality jewellery courses to upskill production teams and self-employed jewellers, silversmiths, jewellery industry professionals.

Our Coffee


With our roasted coffee beans supplied by Union Coffee, we bring the best flavours to every cup we serve.

Getting Started Online


Getting Started Online is a one-week introduction to business course for UK designers, designer makers and craftspeople in jewellery, silversmithing and the industry.

Our Board Members


From our trustees to committee members, we are supported by people who volunteer their time to steer the strategic direction of the Goldsmiths' Centre.

Visit Us


Our café Bench at the Goldsmiths’ Centre is a great place to eat, meet and relax in the heart of Clerkenwell.